When you are a working mom with three kids under 5 years old, you are busy! Anyone with a family to feed can relate. You may ask “how am I supposed to feed my family a healthy meal that they will actually eat?” It can be a challenge to know the “right foods” for yourself,…
Meal Planning part 2: Breakfast, Lunch, and Snacks for your Family and Yourself!
Everyone knows that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but how many of us skip breakfast because we don’t have time to eat it, or we just aren’t hungry in the morning? I make sure my kids eat a good breakfast every morning, but I noticed a while ago that I was…
Family Meal Prep Part I: Shopping and Chopping
I am really big on three things when it comes to meals for my family, they have to be Healthy, Easy, and Inexpensive. Sometimes this takes a lot of planning. I am going to begin by focusing on dinner. This can be the biggest challenge for parents. The kids are usually hungry and tired and…